Is It Safe To Drive Again?
How often is someone injured in the U.S., from an auto accident? Every 10 seconds [...]
READ MOREWe provide specific recommendations on nutritional supplements and healthy food choices to enhance our patients return to optimal health. Is the food that you consume helping your body achieve its health and wellness potential?
Here at Neck, Back, Arm, Leg and Headache Pain Relief Clinic of Marin, we provide a structured nutritional program based on your individual needs. We have numerous nutritional supplements available to our patients and tailor it to each individual.
Dr. Joseph, and the staff at Neck, Back, Arm, Leg and Headache Pain Relief Clinic of Marin, can provide a personal nutritional program that is based on each patient's unique health goals. Nutrition is an important part of health and making the correct food choices is imperative for wellness.
Our advanced system of patient care achieves superior results for every patient even those in the most chronic and difficult cases of health. We Pride ourselves in achieving dramatic and quick results when other methods of care have failed. To live a satisfying and productive life it is imperative to maintain a healthy body and our nutrition and fitness counseling program will help you achieve the results to change your life for the better. Let Dr. Joseph give you the care that will help you achieve and maintain a healthy body for the rest of your life.
*Disclaimer: Results are not guaranteed and may vary from person to person.
How often is someone injured in the U.S., from an auto accident? Every 10 seconds [...]
READ MOREIf you’ve been injured in a car accident, it is extremely important to visit a [...]
READ MOREAuto accidents can be extremely stressful physically, [...]